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End of Life resources
End-of-Life Resources
Sunday, September 9, 2001
Finding Our Way: Living with Dying in America: Get up-to-date
information on advanced illnesses and end-of-life care, including links to
all of the resources in the accompanying articles. Visit site at
Partnership for Caring: America's voices for the dying: Download
forms for advance directives tailored to your state; join a consumer
advocacy group focused on improving end-of-life care.
The Last Acts Campaign: Research latest news on legislative,
educational and policy initiatives from local, state and national
The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization: Search for
hospice and palliative care, two types of care dedicated to comfort at the
end of life.
Growth House: Search this “Yahoo of Death and Dying” for
comprehensive links to end-of-life care, including many that focus on
The Center for Advanced Illness Coordinated Care, in collaboration
with the Veterans Administration Healthcare Network of Upstate New
York at Albany: Find guidance on coping with the complexities of serious
illness through the “Walking the Advanced Illness Road” section.
AARP: Offers extensive information on and support for caregiving,
illness, grief, widowhood, funerals, wills and estate planning, and advance
Aging With Dignity: Download Five Wishes, a planning document.
Center to Advance Palliative Care: Search the latest resources in
palliative care available to hospitals and health care systems.
Missoula Demonstration Project: Research this site for communities
interested in setting up models for improved care at the end of life. MDP.htm
Community-State Partnerships to Improve End-of-Life Care (funded
by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation): Find out what individual
states are doing to organize health care professionals, educators and
Project on Death in America: Lists end-of-life innovations in the arts,
social work, education and public policy.
Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care: Research programs that
have received grants and technical support to change the face of dying in
Americans for Better Care of the Dying: Track changes in public
policy, as well as reforms in pain management and support for family
caregivers. www.abcd-
American Academy of Hospice Physicians: Find board-certified
hospice and palliative care physicians.