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Chapter 8
1.      The wearing of a black armband is traditionally a sign of
     a.     protest against a political issue.
     b.     conventional mourning behavior.
     c.     seclusion from social relationships.
     d.     symbolic sacrifice.

2.      In applying various models that describe different phases of grief, it is important to recognize that
     a.     the phases always occur in a linear progression until the process has been completed.
     b.     such models prove that grief does not follow a consistent overall pattern.
     c.     the phases may overlap, occur in any order, and may be of varying duration.
     d.     such models are not really helpful in explaining or understanding how humans grieve.

3.      Which of the following statements BEST describes “prolonged” or “abnormal” grief?
     a.     grief that lasts longer than six months or one year
     b.     grief that is intense or “crazy-making”
     c.     grief that recurs at various times throughout the life of the bereaved when other losses occur
     d.     grief that actively persists and is accompanied by depression or physical illness

4.      The idea that bereavement might cause a person to die of a "broken heart"
     a.     is a myth perpetuated by poets.
     b.     has no scientific basis or rationale.
     c.     is scientifically plausible.
     d.     has been established as a direct cause-and-effect relationship.
5.      The standard model of “working through grief” emphasizes which three points?
     a.     grief is an adaptive response to loss, the loss must be confronted and accepted, and grief is an active process that occurs over time
     b.     bereaved persons must break affectional bonds, avoid intense distress, and form new relationships
     c.     bereaved persons must recognize the loss, reexperience the deceased, and form continuing bonds
     d.     loss is universal, involves customary mourning rituals, and is time-limited.

6.      In contrast to experiencing and expressing grief in an emotional or affective manner, experiencing grief physically in activity or restlessness is identified by Terry Martin and Kenneth Doka as which pattern of grieving?
     a.     physical mourning
     b.     intuitive grieving
     c.     instrumental grieving
     d.     loss-oriented mourning

7.      Which of the following factors that condition an individual's response to loss were highlighted by Edgar Jackson as important elements in a survivor's model of the world?
     a.     personality, social roles, mode of death, and perceived relationship with the deceased
     b.     social roles, mode of death, cultural context, and values
     c.     personality, social roles, perceived relationship with the deceased, and values
     d.     social roles, personality, values, and social support

8.      In the context of bereavement, unfinished business refers to
     a.     unresolved emotional conflicts and questions.
     b.     feelings of guilt and self-questioning.
     c.     unresolved issues about the mode of death.
     d.     concerns about how one will carry on without the deceased.

9.      Which of the following are appropriate behaviors in offering social support to the bereaved?
          1. encouraging the person to be strong
          2. simply listening
          3. accepting the person's expression of grief
          4. offering to help with chores or errands
     a.     1, 2 and 3
     b.     1, 2 and 4
     c.     1, 3 and 4
     d.     2, 3 and 4

10.      Different styles of mourning behavior can be
     a.     ranged on a continuum from acceptance to denial.
     b.     equally valid and appropriate.
     c.     signs of dysfunctional grief.
     d.     limited because they inhibit coping and adjustment.

11.      Which statement of advice is likely to be of most benefit to a bereaved individual?
     a.     "You should take a long vacation to get away from all this."
     b.     "Give yourself time and don't rush to take on new projects or situations."
     c.     "The sooner you get back to work and managing your daily affairs, the quicker you'll get over the loss."
     d.     "You need to start going out and making new friends."


          12.     There are certain well-defined social rules for appropriate mourning behavior that apply to everyone in today's society.

          13.     A person's manner of coping with the death of a loved one usually resembles his or her manner of coping with day-to-day crises.

          14.     Different cultures worldwide express grief in the same emotional fashion.

          15.     Strong religious faith can eliminate the pain of bereavement.